


If you’ve been squeezing your feet into high heel shoes for years, ignoring the pain emanating from the side of your big toe, you likely have bunions. At the office of Westchester Podiatric Healing Medicine, P.C., we can help!

Bunions develop slowly over time. These painful, bony bumps form on the inside of the foot, near the big toes as a result of changes to the bone structure. This bone deformity puts pressure on the big toe causing it to lean in toward the second toe.

Bunions are most commonly caused by wearing shoes that are too tight across the tops of the feet. Over time, this pressure forces the bones in that part of the foot to move out of alignment and causes the joint to become inflamed. Typically, bunions start out small and progress over time, especially if you do not start to wear wider, more comfortable shoes.


If you have a bunion, you may notice a bump next to your big toe, and you may feel pain and tenderness in this area of the foot. You may also notice the area feels stiff, and it may be hard to move your big toe.

In most cases, there are simple steps you can take to ease the pain and prevent further damage. Wearing better fitting shoes can decrease inflammation and help prevent further progression. Your doctor may also recommend certain exercises and icing the area regularly.

However, if the bunion is severe, it can cause constant pain, difficulty walking, and noticeable foot deformity. In this case, bunion surgery may be a recommended procedure for you. Your doctor will take x-rays to determine the severity of the bone deformity and discuss the options with you.

Remember, if you are experiencing any pain, it’s important to schedule a consultation to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

At the office of Westchester Podiatric Healing Medicine, P.C., we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.